Commission allocates support of over €50 million to Greek and Slovenian farmers affected by natural disasters
Today, the European Commission presented its proposal for a support measure worth €51.7 million to directly support Greek and Slovenian farmers affected by natural disasters
Commission launches first European Hydrogen Bank auction with €800 million of subsidies for renewable hydrogen production
The Commission launched today the first auction under the European Hydrogen Bank to support the production of renewable hydrogen in Europe, with an initial €800 million of emissions trading revenues, channelled through the Innovation Fund
La Commissione condivide le buone prassi per migliorare ulteriormente la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri in materia di procedure di asilo dell’UE
La Commissione presenta oggi una serie di buone prassi per garantire l’efficacia del regolamento Dublino III, come annunciato dalla Presidente von der Leyen all’inizio di giugno nell’ambito dell’attuazione della tabella di marcia di Dublino.
La Commissione invita gli Stati membri a intensificare la cooperazione Schengen
La Commissione adotta oggi una raccomandazione per una maggiore cooperazione tra gli Stati membri nello spazio Schengen.
Remarks by President von der Leyen at the G20 Leaders’ Summit
Report on CAP covering the 2023-2027 period highlights shift towards a sustainable EU farming model
Today, European Commission’s report confirms the important role of CAP Strategic Plans for maintaining farmers’ income and food security, while supporting EU agriculture’s transition to a sustainable farming model in the 2023-2027 period
Questions and Answers: Launch of the Innovation Fund 2023 Call for Projects
What projects are eligible for the Innovation Fund 2023 Call?
Commission endorses Hungary’s €4.6 billion REPowerEU chapter, to complement its recovery and resilience plan
Today, the Commission has positively assessed Hungary’s modified recovery and resilience plan, which includes a REPowerEU chapter.
Mexico: EU releases €1.3 million in humanitarian aid following the impact of hurricane Otis
Following the impact of hurricane OTIS on the West coast of Mexico, the EU will provide €1.3 million in humanitarian assistance to help address the most urgent needs of the affected population.
2022 was the second-worst year for wildfires, a warning from a changing climate
In 2022, nearly 900 000 ha of land burnt in the EU, according to the new report Forest Fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2022, published today by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre.
La Commissione approva un regime di aiuti di Stato italiano per un importo di 5,7 miliardi di € nell’ambito del dispositivo per la ripresa e la resilienza per sostenere le comunità energetiche rinnovabili e gli autoconsumatori
La Commissione europea ha approvato, ai sensi delle norme dell’UE in materia di aiuti di Stato, un regime italiano per un importo di 5,7 miliardi di €, che in parte viene concesso mediante il dispositivo per la ripresa e la resilienza (RRF), al fine di sostenere la produzione e l’autoconsumo di energia elettrica rinnovabile.
Commission fines Rabobank €26.6 million over Euro-denominated bonds trading cartel
The European Commission has fined Rabobank €26.6 million for participating in a cartel concerning the trading of certain Euro-denominated bonds, together with Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank was not fined as it revealed the cartel to the Commission under the leniency programme.
Commission endorses Greece’s €35.95 billion modified recovery and resilience plan, including a REPowerEU chapter
Today, the Commission positively assessed Greece’s modified recovery and resilience plan, which includes a REPowerEU chapter.
Commission endorses Poland’s €59.8 billion modified recovery and resilience plan, including a REPowerEU chapter
Today, the Commission has given a positive assessment of Poland’s modified recovery and resilience plan, which includes a REPowerEU chapter. The plan is now worth €59.8 billion (€34.5 billion in loans and €25.3 billion in grants) and covers 55 reforms and 56 investments.
Commission endorses Romania’s €28.5 billion modified recovery and resilience plan, including a REPowerEU chapter
Today, the Commission has given a positive assessment of Romania’s modified recovery and resilience plan, which includes a REPowerEU chapter. The plan is now worth €28.5 billion (€14.9 billion in loans, €13.6 billion in grants) and covers 66 reforms and 111 investments.
Commission endorses Finland’s €1.95 billion modified recovery and resilience plan, including a REPowerEU chapter
Today, the Commission has given a positive assessment of Finland’s modified recovery and resilience plan in order to include a REPowerEU chapter. The plan is now worth €1.95 billion in grants and covers 19 reforms and 40 investments.
EU cybersecurity exercise to foster cooperation and promote free and fair EU elections
To evaluate and strengthen current working methods ahead of the 2024 elections, EU institutions have today organised a cybersecurity exercise.
Commission endorses Croatia’s €10 billion modified recovery and resilience plan, including a REPowerEU chapter
oday, the Commission has positively assessed Croatia’s modified recovery and resilience plan, which includes a REPowerEU chapter. The plan is now worth €10 billion (€5.8 billion in Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) grants and €4.2 billion in RRF loans) and covers 84 reforms and 253 investments.
Gender Equality: EU extends the duration of the Gender Action Plan in external action to build on its achievements towards a gender-equal world
In 2021–2022, during the first years of the new EU Gender Action Plan (GAP III), the European Union committed €22.4 billion to contribute to building a more gender-equal world
Questions and answers on the 2024 European Semester Autumn Package
Commission sets out key priorities in the European Semester for the year ahead to strengthen EU competitiveness
Today, the Commission has launched the 2024 European Semester cycle of economic policy coordination.