Firma di un accordo sui semiconduttori tra la Commissione e l’India
Oggi nel corso di un colloquio a distanza con le controparti indiane, il vicepresidente esecutivo della Commissione Valdis Dombrovskis e la vicepresidente della Commissione Věra Jourová, copresidenti del Consiglio per il commercio e la tecnologia (TTC) UE-India, hanno tracciato un bilancio del lavoro fatto finora nel quadro del TTC UE-India.
EU releases €15 million in humanitarian aid for most vulnerable in Syria and Lebanon
The Commission has announced €15 million in humanitarian aid for the most vulnerable people in Syria and Lebanon, including refugees and Lebanese people in need.
Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Slovakia’s request for a €662 million disbursement under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
The Commission has today endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Slovakia’s payment request for €662 million in grants under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the key instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU.
Commission and High Representative/Vice-President reinforce their commitment to protect women and girls from violence
Ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, the European Commission and the High Representative/Vice-President issued the following statement.
La Commissione ritiene che i trasferimenti di attività all’interno del gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato e parte della compensazione di Trenitalia a favore di alcuni servizi pubblici di trasporto ferroviario di merci siano conformi alle norme in
La Commissione europea ha concluso che i trasferimenti di determinate attività ferroviarie tra società dell’operatore storico dei servizi ferroviari in Italia, il gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato (“gruppo FS”), non costituiscono aiuti di Stato ai sensi delle norme dell’UE.
Commission approves amendment to State aid measures supporting resolution of Polish Getin Noble Bank
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, an amendment to the support measures granted by Poland in the context of the resolution of the Polish Getin Noble Bank S.A.
Making further progress in the strategic partnership at 2023 EU – Canada Summit
On 23 and 24 November, the European Union and Canada held their 19th bilateral Summit. The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the European Council Charles Michel joined Prime Minister Trudeau in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Commission endorses Italy’s €194 billion modified recovery and resilience plan, including a REPowerEU chapter
Today, the Commission has given a positive assessment of Italy’s modified recovery and resilience plan, which includes a REPowerEU chapter.
EU and Canada establish a Green Alliance to deepen cooperation on domestic and international policies
Today, the EU and Canada have established a Green Alliance [link] at a bilateral Summit in St John’s, Newfoundland
EU-Canada Summit 2023 – Joint Statement
Joint press release on EU-Türkiye High Level Dialogue on Migration and Security
On 23 November, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson and the Minister of Interior of the Republic of Türkiye Ali Yerlikaya met in Brussels for the second Türkiye-EU High Level Dialogue on Migration and Security.