Commission proposes to postpone by one year the market risk prudential requirements under Basel III in the EU
The European Commission has today adopted a delegated act that postpones by one year (i.e. until 1 January 2026) the date of application of one part the Basel III standards in the EU – the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB).
EU’s first medical evacuation operation of Palestinians transfers children from Egypt to Spain
On 24 July, the first EU-coordinated medical evacuation operation of 16 Palestinian children and their family members took place from Egypt to Spain.
La Commissione decide di registrare due nuove iniziative dei cittadini europei sulla chiusura degli allevamenti a scopo alimentare e sull’etichettatura dei prodotti alimentari
La Commissione europea ha deciso oggi di registrare due iniziative dei cittadini europei, intitolate “Stop Cruelty Stop Slaughter” (Basta crudeltà: fermiamo la carneficina) e “Stop cibo falso: origine in etichetta”.
Commission approves amendment to German State aid scheme to support deployment of Gigabit networks
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, amendments to a State aid scheme to support the deployment of very high capacity broadband networks offering Gigabit speeds in Germany.