Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework Factsheet
State aid: Commission amends General Block Exemption rules to further facilitate and speed up green and digital transition
The European Commission has endorsed a targeted amendment to the General Block Exemption Regulation (‘GBER’) to further facilitate, simplify and speed up support for the EU’s green and digital transitions.
State aid: Commission adopts Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework to further support transition towards net-zero economy
The European Commission has adopted today a new Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework to foster support measures in sectors which are key for the transition to a net-zero economy, in line with the Green Deal Industrial Plan.
Erasmus+ 2023 Annual Work Programme: Commission increases annual budget, with a focus on learners and staff from Ukraine
Today, the Commission has adopted a revision of the Erasmus+ Annual Work Programme for 2023.
Annex: LIFE Strategic Nature Projects / LIFE Strategic Integrated Projects
A compilation of project summaries from the LIFE 2021 Call for proposals.
Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region: EU allocates €50 million in humanitarian aid as Commissioner Lenarčič visits Madagascar
The Commission announced today new funding of €50 million in humanitarian aid for the Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region