State aid: Commission approves up to €8.1 billion of public support by fourteen Member States for an Important Project of Common European Interest in microelectronics and communication technologies
The Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, an Important Project of Common European Interest (‘IPCEI’) to support research, innovation and the first industrial deployment of microelectronics and communication technologies across the value chain.

Remarks by Executive Vice-President Vestager on an Important Project of Common European Interest in microelectronics and communication technologies
Today, the Commission has approved a cutting-edge microelectronics and communication technologies project. It is an Important Project of Common European Interest approved under EU State aid rules. We call them IPCEIs.

Sustainable transport: rules to boost intelligent transport systems for safer and more efficient transport agreed
The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council on a proposal made by the Commission in 2021 on the revision of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive.

Questions and Answers about the 2023 EU Justice Scoreboard

EU Justice Scoreboard 2023: effectiveness of EU justice systems improves, but challenges to the perception of judicial independence persist
Today, the European Commission has published the eleventh edition of the EU Justice Scoreboard, an annual overview providing comparative data on the efficiency, quality, and independence of justice systems among the EU Member States.

EU among first to accept WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
The EU today formally accepted the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies on behalf of its 27 Member States.

European Green Deal: EU Modernisation Fund invests €2.4 billion to accelerate the green transition in seven EU countries 
Today, the European Union’s Modernisation Fund has disbursed €2.4 billion to 31 projects in seven beneficiary countries to help modernise their energy systems, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in energy, industry and transport, and improve energy efficiency

Circular economy: Commission recommends actions to boost recycling in 18 Member States at risk of missing waste targets
In a report published today, the Commission identifies Member States at risk of not meeting the 2025 preparing for re-use and recycling targets for municipal and all packaging waste and the 2035 landfilling target.

Rule of Law: Commission launches infringement procedure against POLAND for violating EU law with the new law establishing a special committee
Today, the European Commission opened an infringement procedure by sending a letter of formal notice to Poland for violations of EU law.

EU Ethics Body: Commission proposes the creation of common ethics standards for all EU institutions
The European Commission has adopted today a proposal for the creation of an interinstitutional Ethics Body.

The EU Ethics Body

Ethics Body: Questions & Answers

Migration management: Update on progress made on the Pilot Projects for asylum and return procedures and new financial support for Bulgaria and Romania
Today, the Commission welcomes progress made over the past three months since the start of the Pilot Projects in Bulgaria and Romania.

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