Visa suspension report: requirements for visa-free continue to be fulfilled but immediate steps are needed on alignment with EU visa policy
Today, the Commission presents its 5th report on the monitoring of the EU visa-free regime with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, as well as Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Daily News 05 / 12 / 2022

Questions and Answers – Fifth report on the EU visa-free regime with Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership countries

State aid: Commission approves €26.3 million Finnish measure to support SEVO in construction of hydroelectric pump storage
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €26.3 million Finnish aid measure to support Suomen Energiavarasto Oy (‘SEVO’) in the construction of an underground hydroelectric pump storage facility.

Migration routes: Commission proposes Action Plan for cooperation with Western Balkans to address common challenges
Ahead of the EU-Western Balkans Summit of 6 December 2022 and the Justice and Home Affairs Council on 8 December, the Commission is presenting an EU Action Plan on the Western Balkans.

Speech by President von der Leyen at the College of Europe in Bruges

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