State aid: Commission approves €21 million Polish scheme to compensate tourism sector for damages suffered due to restrictive measures at the Polish-Belarusian border
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €21 million (PLN 100 million) Polish scheme to compensate companies active in the tourism sector.
Waste: Commission decides to refer SLOVAKIA to Court for failing to comply with EU rules on landfills
The Commission decided today to refer Slovakia to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to rehabilitate and close a certain number of landfills which do not comply with the requirements of the Landfill Directive (Directive 1999/31/EC).
Pacchetto infrazioni di gennaio: decisioni principali
Commission decides to refer BULGARIA and SLOVAKIA to the Court of Justice to ensure development of renewable energy
The Commission is taking today legal steps to ensure the development of renewable energy across the EU and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy dependency and high prices.
Water: Commission decides to refer IRELAND to the Court of Justice for failing to correctly transpose Water Framework Directive protecting waters from pollution
The Commission decided today to refer Ireland to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to correctly transpose the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) into national law.
Biodiversità: la Commissione deferisce alla Corte di giustizia sei Stati membri che non hanno impedito l’introduzione di specie esotiche invasive che danneggiano la natura europea
La Commissione ha deciso in data odierna di deferire Bulgaria, Irlanda, Grecia, Italia, Lettonia, e Portogallo alla Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea per la mancata attuazione di varie disposizioni del regolamento (CE) n. 1143/2014 recante disposizioni volte a prevenire e gestire l’introduzione e la diffusione delle specie esotiche invasive.
Quality education in Africa: EU launches €100 million Regional Teachers’ Initiative
Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen launched today a Regional Teachers’ Initiative in Africa and for Africa, a €100 million investment from the EU budget in empowering the world’s fastest growing youth population through quality education.
Giornata internazionale di commemorazione delle vittime dell’Olocausto: “Non dobbiamo mai dimenticare il destino di milioni di ebrei”, ha dichiarato la Presidente von der Leyen
Il 27 gennaio ricorreranno la Giornata internazionale di commemorazione delle vittime dell’Olocausto e il 78º anniversario della liberazione del campo di concentramento nazista di Auschwitz-Birkenau.