State aid: Commission approves amendments to German schemes, including up to €45 billion budget increase, to support companies in context of Russia’s war against Ukraine

Opening remarks by Commissioner Simson at the press conference on a Market Correction Mechanism to limit excessive gas price spikes

Daily News 22 / 11 / 2022

Coordinamento delle politiche economiche: orientamenti della Commissione per aiutare a superare la crisi energetica e per un’Europa più verde e più digitale
La Commissione europea ha avviato oggi il ciclo del semestre europeo 2023 per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche. Il pacchetto si basa sulle previsioni economiche d’autunno 2022, dalle quali emerge che, dopo una vigorosa prima metà dell’anno, l’economia dell’UE attraversa ora una fase molto più impegnativa.

Iniziativa dei cittadini europei – Registrata una nuova iniziativa sulla Giornata europea del “Whatever it Takes”

Commission reports on progress in Romania under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism

Commission proposes a new EU instrument to limit excessive gas price spikes
Today, the Commission has continued its response to the ongoing energy crisis by proposing a Market Correction Mechanism to protect EU businesses and households from episodes of excessively high gas prices in the EU.

Questions and Answers on the gas market correction mechanism
How will this measure moderate gas prices in Europe?

Gender Equality: The EU is breaking the glass ceiling thanks to new gender balance targets on company boards

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