23 città cui è stato assegnato il marchio di missione dell’UE per i loro sforzi verso la neutralità climatica
Oggi il marchio della missione dell’UE è stato assegnato a 23 città che fanno parte della missione dell’UE per le città intelligenti e a impatto climatico zero, una delle missioni dell’UE nell’ambito di Orizzonte Europa.
New survey shows Pact for Skills helped train 3.5 million workers
More than 3.5 million workers received training from 2,500 organisations under the Pact for Skills in 2022 and 2023, according to key results of the annual survey on the Pact, published today on the occasion of the Pact for Skills Forum.
Speech by President von der Leyen at the Nuclear Energy Summit
Main messages from the Tripartite Social Summit
EU leaders and social partners met in Brussels for the tripartite social summit. The main theme of the summit was ‘An economically and socially strong Europe to play its role in the world’.
Commission sets out actions to tackle labour and skills shortages
Today, the Commission has presented an action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages and proposes to work together with Member States and social partners to address these issues over the coming months and years.
Questions & Answers on improving the quality of traineeships in the EU
Commission takes action to improve the quality of traineeships in the EU
Today, the European Commission is taking action and is proposing to improve working conditions for trainees, including pay, inclusiveness and quality of traineeships in the EU.
Commission prepares for pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews
The Commission has today adopted a Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews.