Remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni on the SME Relief initiatives and BEFIT

Cyprus: Commission allocates €31.7 million to the Turkish Cypriot community under the 2023 Aid Programme
Today, the Commission has adopted the 2023 Annual Action Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community, allocating €31.7 million to the community, aiming to facilitate the reunification of Cyprus.

Daily News 12 / 09 / 2023

Simplifying EU rules for citizens and business: findings from the 2022 Annual Burden Survey
Today, the European Commission has published the 2022 Annual Burden Survey, which presents the Commission’s efforts to simplify and modernise EU rules.

Questions and Answers on BEFIT and transfer pricing

Questions and Answers on establishing a Head Office Tax System for SMEs (HOT)

Taxation: new proposals to simplify tax rules and reduce compliance costs for cross-border businesses
Today, the European Commission adopted a key package of initiatives to reduce tax compliance costs for large, cross-border businesses in the European Union.


Statement by President von der Leyen with Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis

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