Remarks by Commissioner Simson at the press conference closing the informal meeting of environment and energy Ministers

InvestEU kickstarts €250 million of investment in affordable social housing, skills and social enterprises under agreement with Council of Europe Development Bank
The InvestEU Investment Committee approved a new guarantee, bringing the total of operations financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and backed by InvestEU to five. With this, the overall amount of the InvestEU guarantee approved for CEB projects has reached €80 million.

Factsheet HERA invest

Mergers: Commission fines Illumina and GRAIL for implementing their acquisition without prior merger control approval
The European Commission has fined Illumina and GRAIL approximately €432 million and €1,000 respectively, for implementing their proposed merger before approval by the Commission, in breach of EU merger control rules.

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of VMware by Broadcom, subject to conditions
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of VMware by Broadcom. The approval is conditional upon full compliance with the commitments offered by Broadcom.

Statement by the President of the European Commission on the G7 declaration to be adopted in the margins of the NATO summit

Questions and Answers: Amending the Victims’ Rights Directive

La Commissione propone di rafforzare i diritti delle vittime di reato
L’iniziativa odierna della Commissione europea intende rafforzare i diritti delle vittime di reato in tutta l’Unione europea affinché possano ricevere assistenza, accedere alle informazioni, chiedere giustizia e ottenere un risarcimento.

Questions and Answers: Amending the Victims’ Rights Directive

La Commissione propone di rafforzare i diritti delle vittime di reato
L’iniziativa odierna della Commissione europea intende rafforzare i diritti delle vittime di reato in tutta l’Unione europea affinché possano ricevere assistenza, accedere alle informazioni, chiedere giustizia e ottenere un risarcimento.

European Commission raises a further €4 billion with record over-subscription in its 8th EU-Bonds syndication for 2023
The European Commission, which issues EU-Bonds on behalf of the EU, has today successfully completed its 8th syndicated transaction since the beginning of the year, raising a total of €4 billion.

Press conference by Commissioner Vălean on Commission proposals for more efficient and sustainable freight

Questions and Answers on Weights and Dimensions: new proposal to accelerate the uptake of zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles and promote intermodal transport  
What is the Weights and Dimensions Directive?

Improving the quality of traineeships: Commission launches first-stage consultation of social partners
The Commission launches the first-stage consultation of European social partners on reinforcing the EU Quality Framework for Traineeships.

Iniziativa dei cittadini europei: la Commissione decide di registrare un’iniziativa per l’imposizione dei grandi patrimoni nell’UE
Oggi la Commissione ha deciso di registrare un’iniziativa dei cittadini europei (ICE) dal titolo “Taxing great wealth to finance the environmental and social transition” (Tassare i grandi patrimoni per finanziare la transizione ecologica e sociale).

Verso la prossima transizione tecnologica: la Commissione presenta la strategia dell’UE per la leadership sul web 4.0 e i mondi virtuali
Oggi la Commissione ha adottato una nuova strategia sul web 4.0 e i mondi virtuali.

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