European Commission issues €7 billion in its 10th syndicated transaction of 2023
The European Commission, which issues EU-Bonds on behalf of the EU, has today issued a further €7 billion of EU-Bonds in its 10th syndicated transaction for 2023.

Speech by Commissioner Ivanova on the European Education Area (EEA) midterm review

Commission approves €400 million Bulgarian State aid measure to support Bulgargaz EAD in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine
The European Commission has approved an around €400 million (BGN 800 million) Bulgarian measure to support the public supplier of natural gas in Bulgaria, Bulgargaz EAD, in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Speech by Commissioner Ivanova on the European Education Area (EEA) midterm review

Commission decides not to extend antitrust block exemption for liner shipping consortia
The European Commission has decided not to extend the EU legal framework which exempts liner shipping consortia from EU antitrust rules (Consortia Block Exemption Regulation or ‘CBER’).

Question and Answers: Consortia Block Exemption Regulation

Daily News 10 / 10 / 2023

Opening remarks by President von der Leyen at the Clean Transition Dialogue on Hydrogen

The European Commission announces an urgent review of its financial assistance for Palestine
The Commission unequivocally condemns the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel over the weekend. Following these events, the Commission is announcing today that it is launching an urgent review of the EU’s assistance for Palestine.

Questions and Answers – Increasing the ambition of the EU’s Effort Sharing Regulation and boosting natural carbon sinks
What are the new targets in the Effort Sharing Regulation and what sectors are covered?

Questions and Answers – Strengthening and expanding EU Emissions Trading with a dedicated Social Climate Fund to help citizens in the transition
How has the EU Emissions Trading System been strengthened?

Questions and Answers – Making our energy system fit for our climate targets 
What targets are set by the revised Renewable Energy Directive?

Commission welcomes completion of key ‘Fit for 55′ legislation, putting EU on track to exceed 2030 targets
The Commission welcomes today’s adoption of two final pillars of its ‘Fit for 55′ legislative package for delivering the EU’s 2030 climate targets.

Questions and Answers – Sustainable transport, infrastructure and fuels

European Week of Regions and Cities puts the spotlight on Cohesion Policy and its role in supporting regions face the effects of Russia’s war on Ukraine
Today, at the press conference launching the 21st European Week of Regions and Cities, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira and the President of the Committee of the Regions, Vasco Alves Cordeiro, came together to underline the crucial role of Cohesion Policy.

Factsheet – The European Green Deal – Delivering the EU’s 2030 Climate Targets


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