EU and US take stock of trade and technology cooperation
Today, the European Union and the United States held the fifth meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in Washington, D.C.

Discours de la Présidente von der Leyen lors de la cérémonie d’hommage à Jacques Delors

Statement by Commissioner Reynders, on the first meeting of the structured dialogue on the implementation by Spain of the recommendation of the rule of law report related to the Spanish National Council for the Judiciary

Vertice di Val Duchesse: l’UE e le parti sociali si impegnano a rafforzare il dialogo sociale per risolvere le sfide nel mondo del lavoro
Oggi, durante il vertice delle parti sociali di Val Duchesse, la Commissione europea, la presidenza belga del Consiglio dell’UE e le parti sociali europee hanno firmato una “Dichiarazione tripartita a favore di un prospero dialogo sociale europeo”.

Speech by Commissioner Kyriakides at the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan conference

Opening speech by President von der Leyen at the Val Duchesse Social Partners Summit

The European Commission appoints a new Head of Representation in Croatia
Today, Zrinka Ujević has been appointed as new Head of the European Commission Representation in Croatia.

Commission welcomes political agreement on clearer labelling and improved composition of honey, fruit juices, jams and milk
The European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached today by the European Parliament and Council to review and strengthen the existing marketing standards applicable to a honey, fruit juices, jams and milk. 

EU approves over €19 million in humanitarian aid for Myanmar in 2024
As conflict continues in most parts of Myanmar, the Commission has allocated over €19 million in humanitarian aid to address the most urgent needs of the population.

L’Union Européenne annonce l’octroi, en 2024, d’une aide humanitaire de 117 millions d’euros au Tchad et au Soudan
Le Commissaire chargé de la Gestion des Crises, Janez Lenarčič, est actuellement en visite au Tchad pour constater la situation humanitaire dans le pays et rencontrer les autorités.

Questions and Answers on vaccine-preventable cancers

Commission recommends new measures on vaccine-preventable cancers under Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
Today, the European Commission is putting forward a Recommendation to support Member States in their efforts to prevent cancer through vaccination.

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