EU Civil Protection Mechanism launches preparations for possible extreme weather events for 2024 in the face of climate change
Today Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič is meeting the Italian Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies, Nello Musumeci, for the opening session of the European Civil Protection Mechanism “lessons learnt” meeting on wildfires and floods.
Questions and Answers: Commission adopts new EU Air Safety List
What is the EU Air Safety List?
Erasmus+ supported mobility opportunities for over 1.2 million learners and teachers in 2022, new report shows
Erasmus+, the EU’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, supported some 26,000 projects in 2022, benefitting over 73,000 organisations.
Commission updates EU Air Safety List and bans Fly Baghdad from flying in the European Union
The Commission updated the EU Air Safety List, the list of airlines that are subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the European Union, because they do not meet international safety standards
La Commissione invia una comunicazione degli addebiti a sei imprese e a un’associazione di categoria in relazione a un cartello nel settore delle batterie di avviamento per autoveicoli
La Commissione europea ha informato i produttori di batterie di avviamento per autoveicoli, l’associazione di categoria Eurobat e il suo fornitore di servizi Kellen del proprio parere preliminare secondo cui hanno violato le norme antitrust dell’UE.
Commission approves €500 million French State aid scheme to support investments in agriculture
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €500 million French scheme to support investments in holding companies active in agricultural primary production. The measure will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Commission welcomes political agreement on countering abusive lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP)
The European Commission welcomes the provisional political agreement between the European Parliament and the Council today on new EU rules to protect those targeted with strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), such as journalists, rights defenders or civil society organisations.