Vienna wins 2025 Access City Award for leading the way in accessibility for persons with disabilities
Today, Vienna won the 2025 Access City Award, for its outstanding efforts to making the city accessible for persons with disabilities.
Commission approves €1.9 billion German State aid in favour of DB Cargo conditional on implementation of restructuring plan
The European Commission has concluded that a German State aid measure of €1.9 billion to support DB Cargo, one of Europe’s leading rail freight operators, is in line with EU State aid rules.
New Eurobarometer survey shows record high trust in the EU in recent years
The latest Eurobarometer released today reveals the highest level of trust in the European Union since 2007 and the highest-ever support for the euro. The survey also shows that Europeans have a more optimistic view about the future.
Commission takes action to ensure complete and timely transposition of EU directives
Commission fines Pierre Cardin and its licensee Ahlers €5.7 million for restricting cross-border sales of clothing
The European Commission has fined Pierre Cardin and its largest licensee Ahlers a total of €5.7 million for breaching EU antitrust rules by restricting cross-border sales of Pierre Cardin-branded clothing, as well as sales of such products to specific customers.
La Commissione chiude le indagini relative ai ruling fiscali concessi a Fiat, Amazon e Starbucks
La Commissione europea ha chiuso tre indagini approfondite avviate ai sensi della normativa sugli aiuti di Stato relative ai ruling fiscali sui prezzi di trasferimento concessi dal Lussemburgo a Fiat e Amazon e dai Paesi Bassi a Starbucks.