Premio 2021 dell’UE per le donne innovatrici: annuncio delle vincitrici
In occasione del vertice del Consiglio europeo per l’innovazione in corso a Bruxelles, la Commissione europea ha annunciato le vincitrici dell’edizione di quest’anno del premio dell’UE per le donne innovatrici.
European democracy: new transparency rules on political advertising and targeting
European democracy: new transparency rules on political advertising and targeting
Democrazia europea: la Commissione stabilisce nuove leggi in materia di pubblicità politica, diritti elettorali e finanziamento dei partiti
La Commissione europea ha presentato oggi una proposta sulla trasparenza e sul targeting della pubblicità politica nel quadro delle misure volte a tutelare l’integrità delle elezioni e il dibattito democratico aperto.
Questions & Answers: Reinforcing democracy and integrity of elections
Speech by Executive Vice-President Vestager at the European Innovation Council Summit
State aid: Commission approves 2022-2027 regional aid map for Lithuania
The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules Lithuania’s map for granting regional aid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027, within the framework of the revised Regional aid Guidelines (‘RAG’).
Aiuti di Stato: la Commissione adotta norme rivedute in materia di aiuti di Stato a favore di importanti progetti di comune interesse europeo
La Commissione europea ha adottato una comunicazione riveduta sulle norme in materia di aiuti di Stato a favore di importanti progetti di comune interesse europeo (la “comunicazione sugli IPCEI”). La comunicazione riveduta sugli IPCEI, che si applicherà a decorrere dal 1º gennaio 2022
Coronavirus: Commission proposes to strengthen coordination of safe travel in the EU
Today, the European Commission has proposed to update the rules on coordination of safe and free movement in the EU, which were put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Factsheet: New Commission proposal to ensure coordination on safe travel in the EU
Factsheet: New Commission proposal to ensure coordination on safe travel in the EU
Coronavirus: Commission proposes an updated framework for travel from outside the EU, prioritising vaccinated travellers, with strong safeguards
The Commission is proposing today to update the Council recommendation on non-essential travel from outside the EU to simplify the framework and reflect recent developments. Priority will be given to vaccinated travellers.
Remarks by Commissioner McGuinness at the press conference on the 2021 Capital Markets Union package
Commission welcomes approval of the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe and future governance of the European Research Area
Today, the Council of the European Union adopted a Recommendation on ‘A Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe’ (Pact for R&I), as well as its conclusions on the future governance of the European Research Area.
Calendrier du lundi 29 novembre au dimanche 5 décembre 2021
Déplacements et visites
ASEM Summit: Europe and Asia reaffirm shared partnership and engagement to a stronger recovery from the pandemic
During the 13th Asia-Europe (ASEM) Summit on 25-26 November which took place in virtual format from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, leaders reaffirmed their shared partnership and engagement in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Statement by President von der Leyen at the 13th ASEM Summit via videoconference
EU replaces COVID-19 vaccines export authorisation mechanism with new monitoring tool
The EU will not extend the COVID-19 vaccines export transparency and authorisation mechanism, which expires on 31 December 2021.