Philippe Lamberts takes up a role advising the President of the European Commission
Commission challenges China’s anti-dumping tariffs on EU brandy at the WTO
Today the European Commission has formally requested consultations at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over the provisional anti-dumping measures imposed by China on imports of EU brandy.
Commission finds Estonian State aid to agricultural company Tartu Agro AS to be incompatible State aid
The European Commission has concluded that by renting agricultural land at a rate below market price to Tartu Agro AS, an Estonian private company producing among other things milk, meat and cereals, Estonia granted support not in line with EU State aid rules.
Commission welcomes Greece’s commitment to bring its tonnage tax scheme in compliance with State aid rules
The European Commission has recorded the acceptance by Greece of the appropriate measures proposed by the Commission to bring the existing Greek tonnage tax scheme and related measures in line with State aid rules.
Chiesto da Commissione e Alto rappresentante/Vicepresidente maggiore impegno per proteggere le donne e le ragazze dalla violenza
La violenza contro le donne è spregevole in tutte le sue forme, costituisce una violazione dei diritti umani e mina i nostri valori fondamentali.