La seconda relazione sullo stato del decennio digitale chiede un’azione collettiva rafforzata per promuovere la trasformazione digitale dell’UE
La Commissione ha pubblicato oggi la seconda relazione sullo stato del decennio digitale, che fornisce una panoramica completa dei progressi compiuti nella ricerca di conseguire gli obiettivi e i traguardi digitali fissati per il 2030 dal programma strategico per il decennio digitale.
Commission approves €25.51 million restructuring State aid for Bulgarian Posts
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, Bulgaria’s plans to grant postal operator Bulgarian Posts restructuring aid for up to €25.51 million (BGN 50 million). The measure will enable the company to restore its long-term viability while minimising competition distortions.
Commission approves €3 billion Swedish State aid scheme to support the roll-out of biogenic carbon dioxide capture and storage
The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €3 billion (SEK 36 billion) Swedish scheme to support carbon capture and storage (‘CCS’) aimed at reducing carbon dioxide (‘CO2′) released during the combustion or processing of biomass (‘biogenic CO2′).
Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of Slovakia’s fourth payment request for €799 million under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
Today, the Commission has endorsed a positive preliminary assessment of Slovakia’s fourth payment request for €799 million (net of pre-financing) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU.