New EU funding for innovative ideas to reduce long-term unemployment and help people find jobs
Today, the Commission launched a call for proposals worth €23 million to help EU Member States develop new ways of tackling long-term unemployment and support people to find their way back into the labour market.
Questions and answers on the Commission’s proposal to open negotiations on EU-UK youth mobility
Commission proposes to open negotiations to facilitate youth mobility between the EU and the UK
The Commission has today proposed to the Council to open negotiations with the United Kingdom on an agreement to facilitate youth mobility.
La Commissione stanzia ulteriori 10 milioni di EUR per sostenere i ricercatori ucraini nell’ambito di Orizzonte Europa
La Commissione ha integrato il bilancio dell’iniziativa MSCA4Ukraine, istituita per sostenere i ricercatori costretti a fuggire dall’Ucraina, con ulteriori 10 milioni di EUR.