La Commissione investe oltre 1 miliardi di EUR in 54 progetti industriali ambiziosi nel settore della difesa attraverso il Fondo europeo per la difesa
La Commissione ha annunciato oggi i risultati degli inviti a presentare proposte del 2023 nell’ambito del Fondo europeo per la difesa (FED), per un importo di 1.031 milioni di EUR di finanziamenti dell’UE a sostegno di 54 progetti europei congiunti di ricerca e sviluppo in materia di difesa in sospeso.

Daily News 16 / 05 / 2024

La Commissione avvia un procedimento formale nei confronti di Meta ai sensi della legge sui servizi digitali in relazione alla protezione dei minori su Facebook e Instagram
Oggi la Commissione ha avviato un procedimento formale per valutare se Meta, fornitore di Facebook e Instagram, possa aver violato la legge sui servizi digitali in settori connessi alla protezione dei minori.

Joint statement by High Representative/Vice-President Borrell and Commissioner Ivanova on the 70th anniversary of the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of Armed Conflict and its first Protocol

Online ticket marketplace Viagogo commits to improving terms and consumer information after dialogue with Commission and consumer authorities
Viagogo, online marketplace for the second-hand sale of event tickets, has committed to better inform consumers on the conditions under which tickets are resold and to stop pressuring consumers with excessive countdown messages in its role as trader.

Statement by Commissioner Gentiloni at the presentation of the Spring 2024 Economic Forecast

EU Security Union – key achievements

EU allocates €130 million in humanitarian aid for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2024
The European Commission has allocated nearly €130 million this year in humanitarian aid for Latin American and the Caribbean, to address the needs of the most vulnerable people affected by the main ongoing emergencies.

Previsioni economiche di primavera 2024: una graduale espansione in un contesto di rischi geopolitici elevati
Dopo la generale stagnazione economica del 2023, una crescita migliore del previsto all’inizio del 2024 e l’attuale calo dell’inflazione hanno preparato il terreno per una graduale espansione dell’attività nel periodo oggetto delle previsioni.

Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell and Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi on the adoption of the “transparency of foreign influence” law in Georgia

FASTER initiative on withholding tax to boost cross-border investment and help fight tax fraud
The Commission welcomes the general approach announced by the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council on the Commission’s proposal for a Directive to make withholding tax procedures in the EU more efficient, secure and simplified.

Remarks by Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis at the ECOFIN Press conference

Remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni at the Eurogroup press conference

Iniziativa dei cittadini europei: la Commissione decide di registrare l’iniziativa sulla tassazione delle emissioni di gas a effetto serra
Oggi la Commissione europea ha deciso di registrare un’iniziativa dei cittadini europei (ICE) dal titolo “Salviamo il pianeta trasferendo il carico fiscale dal lavoro alle emissioni di gas a effetto serra”.

Statement by Commissioner Kyriakides to mark European Mental Health Week

Questions and Answers: Revised CO2 emission standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
How will the new EU legislation increase the number of zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles in Europe?

New Eurobarometer survey shows young people’s active participation in civic and democratic life ahead of the upcoming European elections
Ahead of the European elections taking place from 6 to 9 June, the Commission has published today a Eurobarometer on Youth and Democracy.

Commission designates Booking as a gatekeeper and opens a market investigation into X
The European Commission has today designated under the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Booking as a gatekeeper for its online intermediation service and decided not to designate X Ads and TikTok Ads.

Commission disburses €50 million in financial support to North Macedonia
The Commission provided €50 million in loans to North Macedonia this week. This is the first tranche of the ongoing Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) operation to the country.

Calendrier du lundi 13 mai 2024 au dimanche 19 mai 2024
Déplacements et visites des commissaires

Speech by President von der Leyen at the parliamentary session on the 20th anniversary of Lithuania’s accession to the European Union

Remarks by EVP Šefčovič at the press conference together with Xavier Espot, Prime Minister of Andorra, and Luca Beccari, Minister of Foreign Affairs of San Marino, on the EU Association Agreement with Andorra and San Marino
Je suis très heureux d’accueillir Monsieur le chef du gouvernement d’Andorre et Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires étrangères de Saint-Marin à la Commission européenne

Readout of the meeting between Commissioner Kadri Simson and Ukraine’s Minister of Energy German Galushchenko
Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson discussed today with Ukraine’s Energy Minister German Galushchenko, during an official visit to Kyiv, their cooperation to strengthen the resilience of the Ukrainian energy system and preparations for the next heating season

EU allocates €125 million in humanitarian aid for most vulnerable in Yemen
The Commission is providing €125 million in new EU humanitarian funding to address the most pressing needs of people in Yemen amidst the ongoing crisis and escalating tensions in the region.

EU-Ukraine Defence Industries Forum bolsters cooperation between Ukrainian and European defence industries
Today, the EU-Ukraine Defence Industries Forum took place in Brussels. Joint press release.

Press statement by President von der Leyen following the trilateral meeting with French President Macron and President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping

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