May infringements package: key decisions

Un nuovo sondaggio Eurobarometro riflette le opinioni e le aspettative dei cittadini dell’UE in vista delle elezioni europee
L’ultimo Eurobarometro standard pubblicato oggi mostra che gli europei vogliono vedere l’UE più forte e più indipendente, soprattutto di fronte alle attuali sfide globali, mentre sono sempre più ottimisti sul futuro.

The Commission decides to refer SPAIN to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to implement taxation rules set out by the Merger Directive
Today, the European Commission decided to refer Spain to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to ensure correct implementation of the Merger Directive on the common system of taxation applicable to Member States (Directive 2009/133/EC).

The Commission decides to refer GREECE to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to correctly transpose EU rules on proportionality of professional regulations

Daily News 23 / 05 / 2024

L’UE garantisce l’accesso a un approvvigionamento diversificato, a prezzi abbordabili e sostenibile di materie prime critiche
Oggi segna l’entrata in vigore della normativa europea sulle materie prime critiche, che mira a garantire un approvvigionamento diversificato, sicuro e sostenibile di materie prime critiche per l’industria dell’UE.

Remarks by Executive Vice-President Vestager on the adoption of an antitrust decision against Mondelēz for cross-border trade restrictions

Commission fines Mondelēz €337.5 million for cross-border trade restrictions
The European Commission has fined Mondelēz International, Inc. (Mondelēz) €337.5 million for hindering the cross-border trade of chocolate, biscuits and coffee products between Member States, in breach of EU competition rules.

Di adminUE

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