Fit for Future Platform made significant contributions to simplifying and modernising EU law over its four-year mandate
Today, the Commission’s Fit for Future Platform, a high-level expert group composed of stakeholders and representatives of all Member States, held its final plenary meeting under it’s current mandate.
Nuove norme per rafforzare la cibersicurezza dei soggetti e delle reti critici dell’UE
La Commissione ha adottato oggi le prime norme di attuazione in materia di cibersicurezza dei soggetti e delle reti critici a norma della direttiva relativa a misure per un livello comune elevato di cibersicurezza nell’Unione (direttiva NIS 2).
Cooperation on screening of foreign direct investments strengthens EU security
EU Member States and the Commission are strengthening their cooperation on identifying and addressing investments from third countries that threaten EU security or public order, according to a Commission report published today.
Esperti indipendenti chiedono maggiori investimenti per rafforzare la leadership europea in materia di ricerca e innovazione
Per rendere l’Europa più competitiva, sicura e sostenibile a livello mondiale sono necessarie una ricerca più eccellente, un’innovazione di impatto e scale-up tecnologiche.
Commission approves Eiffage’s acquisition of EQOS subject to conditions
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of EQOS by Eiffage. The approval is conditional upon full compliance with commitments offered by Eiffage and EQOS.